Backup and Restore
From Taridium
These instructions apply to manual and semi-manual backups and restores. For GUI based backup and restore refer to the Configuration → Advanced Setup → Backup section.
While there are a number of ways to backup a complete system using disk images etc. it might be more practical and safe to backup the ipbx configuration on a regular schedule.
Customers that have a direct Taridium maintenance contract do not need to backup files manually - this is provided on a bi-weekly basis by the remote monitoring client.
Configuration data for ipbx is stored almost exclusively in the ipbx MySQL database. This includes all your phone configuration, dialplan etc.
Some additional configuration data is present in other files as well. This applies especially to PSTN interface card configuration and other interconnection hardware.
Contents |
Database Backup
Login to your server via SSH and run the ipbx-config script from the server command line:
[root@pbx ~]# ipbx-config
************************************************************ ipbx 2.6.1-a Configuration (c) 2014 taridium ************************************************************ Select Configuration Option: 1 <- Configure ipbx for the first time and use default configuration 2 <- Create full database backup 3 <- Fix file system permissions 4 <- Restore default ipbx database (will erase all settings) 5 <- Reset admin password 6 <- Upgrade ipbx database (safe mode) 0 <- Exit
please enter your choice:
Select option 2 to create a full database backup. Enter your MySQL root password (ususally empty/blank). A time-stamped backup will be created in /usr/local/ipbx/backup/
Note that depending on your CDR deletion schedules this file can have a considerable size.
To restore ipbx, we recommend that you install a fresh copy of ipbx using the supplied ISO image. If you are restoring from a standard CentOS or RedHat compatible OS, use the repository package taridium-repo and follow standard installation instructions before proceeding with a database restore.
Database Restore
On a clean install from scratch, always run ipbx-config with option 1 to configure DB users and permissions.
To restore your database, cd into the backup directory and use the mysql client to reload the datbase:
[root@pbx ~]# mysql
remove any existing ipbx database. Note this will erase any existing configuration!
mysql> DROP DATABASE ipbx;
load the backup file:
mysql> SOURCE ipbx-backup-1228313758.sql;
after the database has been restored, make sure that the ipbx database is up-to-date by running the safe updater with ipbx-config option 6.
Device Configuration Files
After a complete system restore (database restored) you can restore all device configuration files by clicking on System → Devices → Generate Configurations. Make sure your devices are setup for auto-provisioning. On the command line you can run ipbx-autoprov and select the used device types. Make sure the master files have the correct IP address configured if you have a multi-homed system.
Manual Database Backup
The ipbx database can also be backed-up manually using standard MySQL tools. This is recommended if you are planning to write your own backup script and require more control of backed up data.
Backing up the ipbx Database
/usr/bin/mysqldump -B -Q --ignore-table=cdr -u root -pPASSWORD ipbx > backup-file.sql
In the example above the MySQL root password is set to PASSWORD and we're excluding the table cdr (CDR data). The cdr table, unless stored in a separate database can grow fairly large depending on your call volume and it might make sense to keep this data backed-up separately, directly on a different host or in a different backup file.
Other Files
These files are usually not created on the system, but rather uploaded or created through customizations and during use. It might still make sense to back them up, though.
Custom Prompts
Custom prompts are stored in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/prompts/
Music On Hold
Music on hold is stored in /var/lib/asterisk/moh-native/[class name]
Voicemail files including one-touch recordings are stored in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
Call Recording
Recorded calls, except for one-touch recordings are stored in the monitor MySQL database (recording table).
PSTN Interface Cards
Relevant configuration files for Sangoma interface cards are stored in:
/etc/wanpipe/ for Sangoma cards
/etc/zaptel.conf for Digium and compatible cards using Zaptel drivers /etc/sysconfig/zaptel /etc/dadhi/system for Digium and compatible cards using DAHDI drivers