Initial Configuration

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This section describes a standard business telephone system deployment.



Accessing ipbx

To access the administrator interface connect to your PBX via http or https e.g. You will be prompted for username and password. The superuser is admin and the default password is taridium200 - change these immediately to prevent unauthorized access.

To start configuring your ipbx system you will have to access the Administrator Panel. If you have installed the free 5 user version via the RPM packages you will be presented with the login screen:

Ipbx-welcome.png or with Ipbx-lic.png

if you have a license key or would like to install the free 5 user version.

You might need to adjust your network configuration before you are able to access your PBX system. The default shipping status for most ipbx systems is a DHCP network configuration. If you need to change this and aren't able to put your PBX on a DHCP network please proceed as follows:

Using the Network Config Tool

1. Connect your PBX to the network (ethernet port labeled ETH 0 or 0 on ipbx SRV-1, SRV-2 and SRV-3 servers)

2. Connect your monitor and keyboard or KVM unit.

3. Power up your system. On SRV-2 servers press the small button on the left front side. You might need to use a pen or other pointy object.

4. Wait for a complete power-up and login as root using the default password taridium200.

5. Run the following command and follow on-screen instructions

  [root~]# system-config-network

Manual Configuration

1. Connect your PBX to the network (ethernet port labeled ETH 0 or 0 on ipbx SRV-1, SRV-2 and SRV-3 servers)

2. Connect your monitor and keyboard or KVM unit.

3. Power up your system. On SRV-2 servers press the small button on the left front side. You might need to use a pen or other pointy object.

4. Wait for a complete power-up and login as root using the default password taridium200.

5. Edit the system network configuration

  [root~]# nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

and modify the file parameters using this template:

  BOOTPROTO=none            <---- Change to none if DHCP
  BROADCAST=x.x.x.x         <---- Update according to your config
  IPADDR=x.x.x.x            <---- Update according to your config
  NETMASK=x.x.x.x           <---- Update according to your config
  NETWORK=x.x.x.x           <---- Update according to your config
  GATEWAY=x.x.x.x           <---- Update according to your config

DO NOT COPY the information above, just use it as a reference.

you can save by pressing CTRL-O (output) and quit via CTRL-X

6. Enter:

  [root~]# service network restart

Host Firewall

If you have difficulties accessing the web interface, make sure your host firewall does allow TCP ports 80/433 traffic.

To check if your host firewall (e.g. standard CentOS/RedHat installation) is affecting traffic, try turning iptables off:

  [root~]# service iptables off

Changing the admin Password

To change the administrator's password Click on: ConfigurationAccess ControlAdministrator Password. Optionally you can limit access from a specific network only. Be careful when changing this as you might lock yourself out of the system. See also How to reset the administrator password

Next Steps

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