ISymphony Module
From Taridium
(beta module)
This optional ipbx module is installed under Advanced Setup → Modules. Registered modules are displayed with registered module.
The iSymphony module automatically creates and deletes extensions in iSymphony.
Please refer to the iSymphony product pages for correct configuration of your iSymphony server and client. Take note of correct location and tenant information. These can be adjusted under Advanced Setup → Configuration → iSymphony.
Enabling Synchronization
To enable first time synchronization, go to Advanced Setup' → Configuration → iSymphony and check the keep iSymphony extensions in sync with ipbx extensions once saved, this will automatically start the synchronization process. Depending on the number of extensions/users configured this can take several minutes.
Note that ipbx will only synchronize user extensions, any other extensions need to be added manually. Disabling/Enabling synchronization will cause a complete resync and might remove manually added extensions.