Ipbx Change Log

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New releases as posted here, are available to all registered users in Taridium's official package repository.
New releases as posted here, are available to all registered users in Taridium's official package repository.
<pre style="font-size: 12px;">
2010-02-16 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
2010-02-16 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
* release 2.1.0-d
* release 2.1.0-d

Revision as of 15:45, 19 February 2010

taridium ipbx, ipbx eXpress 2.x change log

New releases as posted here, are available to all registered users in Taridium's official package repository.

2010-02-16 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
	 	* release 2.1.0-d
	 	* ISO RELEASE ipbx-2.1.0-d.iso
	 	* non-critical cosmetic improvements
	 	* country caller ID name setting on international calls

2010-02-12 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.1.0-c
		* DB Tag 5034
                * ISO RELEASE ipbx-2.1.0-c.iso
		* New backup functionality with scheduler and upload to FTP/HTTP(S) and Amazon S3
		* support for muted conference caller PIN (public rooms)
		* CTI module support (CRM integration and more, see Wiki)
		* User Panel feature 'Urgent Call Forwarding' for Forwarding/Follow Me (see Wiki)
		* User Panel click-to-call fully AJAX driven and pre-dial edit
		* User Panel voicemail playback AJAX driven with new WP flash player
		* User Panel Picture ID upload feature
		* Picture ID support for Aastra 6739i
		* Admin Panel recordings playback AJAX driven with new WP flash player
		* New Caller ID lookup options (Web search)
		* Optional Global Caller ID name lookup on all incoming calls
		* Mapping of caller ID through Google(TM) Maps
		* Asterisk 1.6 compatibility enabled
		* New CLI Commander Window
		* New Asterisk Log Viewer
		* Record all calls to/from user (also applies to all associated channels and roaming)
		* Full conversion from Zaptel to DAHDI (user selectable)
		* Improved SIP and IAX template editor
		* New notes field for black list entries
                * Addition of Favorites List to iPhone interface
		* bugfixes
		- support for caller ID name matching in transformations
		- Numerous Internet Explorer rendering and incompatibility improvements
		- minor usability and visual rendering improvements
		- CDR default display year was not correct

2009-12-04 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-m
		* DB Tag 5033
		* Status page now shows network interface status
		* Introduces personal conference call recording flag (automatically placed in voicemail box)
		* Option to set first/last name search methods for dial by name lookups and play back of number 
                  upon connecting
                * Addition of Favorites List to iPhone interface
		* Bugfixes
		- improved Microsoft Internet Explorer rendering
		- fixed click to call event when adding user to favorites/block list after click to call
		- fixed various minor Microsoft Internet Explorer bugs in End-User panel and Administrator 
		- fixes broken URL control voicemail settings
		- fixes softphone status change when placing call through HTTP based URL control

2009-11-18 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-k
                * ISO RELEASE ipbx-2.0.5-k.iso
                * SWITCH RELEASE asterisk-1.4.27
		* Maintenance Release (non-critical customization options)

2009-11-03 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-j
		* DB Tag 5032
		* Added Queue Wrap Up Time selector to Queues GUI
		* Added Queue RSS feed
		* Built In prompts browser
		* Improved international prompts installer
		* Adds automatic Voicemail Pickup authentication for channels which have a mailbox configured (MWI)
		* Adds GUI option to edit master configuration files for Aastra, Cisco and Polycom phone types
		  (see Configuration -> Advanced Setup -> Devices)
		* adds new a 'delayed paging to all users' star code when 'Delayed Paging Module' is installed.
		* Updated Polycom ipbx.cfg file to reflect international DST changes

2009-10-21 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-h
		* Added VM Callback URL for XML applications
		* Bugfixes
		- fixed trunk failover capabilities in recursive situations
		- various minor bugfixes

2009-10-14 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-g
		* DB Tag 5031
		* improved Multi Site interconnect synchronization and contact exchange
		* Secondary directory listing (equals to voicemail user list) as 'internal directory'
		* Support for new GET argument 'cid' when using click to call URLs (End-User URL Control API module)
		* Updated SIP database schema support for future releases
		* Bugfixes
		- prevents invalid filenames from being used when recording voice prompts through admin interface

2009-09-29 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-f
		* DB Tag 5030
		* Support for network limits on regular users (previously only admin user)
		* Support for login audit and limits multiple login attempts to admin panel
		* Force download link for call recordings in native and MP3 formats with new CDR display
		* Improved Multi Site call routing and caching
		* Bugfixes
		- Prevents dialplan hint reloads when no changes are made to 'Advanced Configuration'
		- Shows a reload warning when reverting a manual configuration
		- User list shows if multiple channels have been associated
		- allows unchecking/disabling of 'strict' search in CDR viewer

2009-09-16 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-d
                * Recordings default now to MP3 download format $cfg['RECDownloadFormat'] (wav|mp3)
		* Bugfixes
                - Static Conference Room bypass with empty PINs

2009-09-14 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.5-c
		* Flash based mini audio player and download option for End User Panel Voicemail
		* Callback (click to call) from Voicemail Messages
		* Support for GUI based installation of English UK, Spanish, French, German and Italian 
                  sound packages
		* New package updater for reliable updates and progress information
		* Calls to Users will now ring all associated SIP and IAX channel (this is the new default 
		* CDR Viewer now supports strict matching and detailed CDR display
		* New Help Resources Page
		* Click to call (End User and API callbacks) can now be set for auto-answer and 
		  have a connection announcement
		* Bugfixes
		- Playback Date and Time now supports time zone settings based on caller
		- GUI based DHCP configurator now sets up correct subnet mask for scope

2009-09-01 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.4-g
		* inclusion of mailfax application (deprecates t-fax package)

2009-08-18 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.4-f
		* DB Tag 5029
		* Support for Caller ID name prepend on ring groups
                * bugfixes
                - IVR dial voicemail was not operational
                - Support for mailbox menu access when calling into mailbox groups (only supported if a greeting 
                  mailbox is set)
                - minor bugs

2009-08-13 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.4-d
		* Critical Bugfixes
		- Fixes transfer issue where in certain scenarios, transfers from a ring group could
		  the PBX to crash (TDM interfaces only)

2009-08-05 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.4-c
		* ISO RELEASE ipbx-2.0.4-c.iso
		* Bugfixes
		- Temporary (VM) messages are now played back in the correct order and can
		  be transparently managed
		- improved multi-language support

2009-08-04 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.4-a
		* DB Tag 5028
		* End User Panel is now capable of distinguishing between missed calls that went
		  to Voicemail regardless of the call status
		* Enhanced Voicemail GUI
		* Support for Default Caller ID Name
		* Support to block caller ID Name from being set on outbound calls (e.g. PRI)
		* Caller ID Pattern support for inbound and outbound routing
		* bugfixes
		- call recording maintenance updates working again

2009-07-27 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.3-k
		* ISO RELEASE ipbx-2.0.3-k.iso
		* SWITCH RELEASE asterisk-1.4.26
		* bugfixes
		- minor bugfixes
		- fixes boot sequence for ipbx-tasker in relation to database engine

2009-07-22 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.3-j
		* bugfixes
		- fixes Aastra auto-provisioning setup for TFTP environments
		- fixes Service IVR with multi-language support (regression from 2.0.3-g)

2009-07-13 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.3-g
		* DB Tag 5027
		* RECOMMENDED UPGRADE (all preceding)
		* introduces multi-language capabilities and support
		* improved call status in iPhone interface
		* improved conference call status in End-User Panel for 'My Conference Room'
		* support for advanced personal conferencing module (BETA)
		* bugfixes
		- fixes Disk Status display to correctly display disk sizes
		- fixes GUI based database upgrades (Advanced Setup -> Maintenance)
		- fixes conflict between voicemail recordings recorded from user panel and through IVR
		- fixes first time login when using user impersonation (System -> Users)	
		- forces update of log rotation scripts fixing character set error	
		- fixes console WARNINGS caused by ipbx-tasker

2009-06-22 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.3-f
		* bugfixes
		- improved iPhone interface, forwarding and support for periodic updates
		- general improvements on admin status page
		- concurrent call display on status page now better suited for higher capacity systems

2009-06-16 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.3-d
		* DB Tag 5026
		* Adds Unified Voicemail Module as standard feature
		* iPhoneTM support (http://pbx/i), requires UVM configuration
		* Support for internal IVR extensions
		* Support for internal Queue extensions
		* bugfixes
		- ipbx tasker improvements and error checking

2009-06-05 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-l
		* bugfixes
		- improves queue logoff reliability and changes behavior so that members are only paused/logged 
                  off on member timeout.
		- improves queue editor and minor cosmetics

2009-05-31 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-k
		* bugfixes
		- tasker error reporting and reliable manager reconnections after switch restart

2009-05-28 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-j
		* DB Tag 5025
		* adds Voicemail Volume Gain to voicemail General Settings GUI
		* adds 'Skip VM instructions' option to End-User panel
		* bugfixes
		- Polycom local config ipbx.cfg adjusted for transfers to voicemail (e.g. blind-xfer to **XXX)
		- Fixes 'Automatic Hint Management' (Advanced Setup -> SIP Subscriptions)
		- Queue member login/logoff now uses AMI updates so 3rd party applications are aware of member status
		- Queues now support auto-pause/logoff

2009-05-28 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-i (not released to the public)
		* release 2.0.2-h (not released to the public)

2009-05-18 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-g
		* DB Tag 5024
		* includes first ipbx eXpress software only release (tandem)
		- support for agent/operator queue login via starcode (see Queue Editor and starcode editor)
		- cleaner menu structure for Voicemail Settings in End User panel (removed from features)
		- improved Linksys SPA templates

2009-05-15 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-f
		- support for trustrpid and sendrpid in VoIP Trunks GUI editor
		- support to dial operator directly via GUI (Features -> Operator) use transformations to change ext.
		- support for direct login into the user panel (impersonation) from admin Users dialogs
		- better provisioning validation and support for provisioning type 0=channel, 1=user, 2=mailbox
		* bugfixes
		- substitutes SIP username with SIP user if unavailable in SIP/IAX configuration generation
		- minor cosmetics
		- support for %%gmtoffsetsec%% and %%gmtoffsetmin%% variables in device provisioning
		- improved Snom Provisioning
		- Automatic Music On Hold reload upon addition of files and classes
		- improved caller ID name lookups 
		- fixes issue where a loaded channel template would interfere with editing channels
		- corrected display of device inventory templates
2009-04-28 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-e
		* bugfixes
		- fixes issues with addl./softphone module where IAX channels would not work
		- minor cosmetics
		- improved directory handling
		- improved Polycom reboots in sequence

2009-04-18 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.2-b
		* DB Tag 5023
		* IVR Caller ID name is now prepended instead of replaced
		* Support for site cross-authentication and quick-jumps between sites (Multi-Site)
		* Support for missed call e-mail notification in call groups
		* new static directory support for Aastra phones
		* rewritten caller ID name setting
		* support for blacklisting (straight and pattern based)
		* support for favorite patterns in end-user panel (e.g. _4XX. )
		* bugfixes
		- improved conferecing access control
		- improved caller ID /name settings
		- group ring timeout

2009-03-26 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.1-i
		* DB Tag 5022
		* exposes permissioned numbers in voicemail configuration dialog (UVM)
		* introduces Static Phone Directory Generation for Aastra Phones
		* introduces automatic Static phone directory generation
		* bugfixes
		- restart of syslog daemon upon installation of log-rotation files

2009-03-18 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.1-g
		* exposes pager field in end-user panel
		* bugfixes
		- prevents users from overwriting mailbox timezone information if non-server TZ
		- fixes issue where End-User Panel access setting was not taken into account
		- fixes display of supervisor Console in End-User panel

2009-03-11 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.1-f
		* DB Tag 5021
		* support for ring-inuse option in call queues 
		  (prevents agents of having in-use ringing even when call waiting is enabled)
		* support for 'ringing only' call queues outside of call groups
		* new 'limited user' status that only gives access to users and mailboxes
		* adds conference plaza feature to conference room list providing access 
		  to all conference rooms (global and personal)

2009-03-05 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.1-e
		* support for IVR fast extension input logic and choice of overlap dialing
		* support for 1st digit timeout in IVR (Timeout)
		* support for selective group call recording
		* introduces option to ask for Voicemail PIN even when calling from own extension
		* support for automated queue log maintenance
		* bugfixes
		- better hangup detection on nested IVRs and IVRs with timeout options
		- fixes some Internet Explorer rendering 'bugs'
		- enables 'no voicemail/alternate message' in unified mailboxes

2009-03-02 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.1-d
		* DB Tag 5019
		* bugfixes
		- fixed 'extension' 'Upon Timout Option' in nested IVRs 
		  (would fall back to previous 'Upon Timeout' rule)
		- fixes issue when using 'Voicemail Delay & PIN only' option in Advanced Settings for 
		  End-Users where End-User panel would display both pickup mode options.
		- fixes issue when using 'Voicemail Delay & PIN only' option in Advanced Settings for 
		  End-Users where End-User panel would not save e-mail address correctly.

2009-02-26 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.1-c
		* DB Tag 5018
		* Forced upgrade to Asterisk
		* Live channel activity charting
		* User Panel Statistics now feature activity charts
		* Queue Stats Reporting with Trending and Charts
		* adds support for contact uploads in end-user panel
		* adds route priority/position control
		* adds 'name' recording to end-user panel
		* adds support for routing transformations with caller ID
		* support for vCard uploads in corporate directory
		* support for selective queue recording
		* adds vm enable/disable to Admin Feature Settings Dialog
		* support for control class based device reboots
		* support for autofill queue behavior in queues GUI
		* support for arbitrary extensions in IVR options (e.g. forward to external number)
		* Snom Device Provisioning (HTTP support) now fully GUI integrated
		* bugfixes
		- fixes legacy on-call notifications (for v1.2)
		- fully supported inbound route patterns
		- improved Polycom SoundPoint templates (now configured for presence)
		- improved Snom Templates for 3xx and 8xx series phones
		- fixes MAC address detection for network interfaces
		- fixes return/timeout problems with cascaded IVRs
		- improved package updates from web interface
		- better file playback handling in web interfaces
		- fixes simulring issue with standard extension forwarding
		- fixes `contact` table in DB and makes sure auto_increment is on

2009-01-26 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-n
		* bugfixes
		- Direct dial in IVR fails to dial correct extension
		- VM CRITICAL fixes issue where calls coming in via IAX trunks would not play back default
		  Voicemail message and go straight to recording.

2009-01-13 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-m
		* bugfixes
		- VM CRITICAL fixes VM bug introduced in 2.0.0-k

2009-01-13 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-l
		* DB Tag 5017
		* General support for Snom SIP phones (reboot control and provisioning)
		* support for Snom m3, 360, 370 and 820 phones
		* bugfixes
		- random passwords contain no special characters anymore (issues with Grandstream provisioning)
		- improved 'reboot all' phone reboot option
		- IAX CRITICAL fixes transfer/notransfer field in iax templates (was preventing from saving IAX2 

2009-01-09 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-k
		* DB Tag 5016
		* adds automatic hint/subscription management for BLF/presence support
		* adds star codes for Spy, Whisper and Directed Pickup
		* adds support for manual star code applications in the dialplan (see wiki Manual Dialplan)
		* displays MAC based vendor information on DHCP Leases table (ID's for Aastra, Grandstream,
                  Cisco, Linksys, Polycom and Snom phones) 
		* Support for reliable HTTP based Grandstream reboots
		* bugfixes
		- waits for digit after recording review for voicemail prompts and others without exiting
		  this affects end-user panel recordings and administrator panel recordings
		- removes disabled feature call-waiting toggle
		- validates maiboxes on direct mailbox transfer and plays back error message
		- better Polycom reboot mechanism (supporting unchanged configurations for newer  v2)
		- Support for reboot on phones that are not registered (needs DHCP information)

2009-01-06 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-j
		* DB Tag 5015
		* adds Sangoma Wanpipe Hardware Detection (status pages)
		* better support for system diagnostics (memory, disk status)
		* adds PIN support to roaming dialog
		* adds support for Cisco 79XX XML extension roaming settings, conference rooms and queues
		* Support for n-way invites from a regular call (works on calling side only and dumps both
		  parties into the caller's personal conference room using *9 during a call)
		* bugfixes
		- adjusted static file extconfig.conf to correctly select ipbx database for queues
		- Aastra XML queue interface now displays correctly if phone is not a member of any queue
		- secures XML interfaces from unauthorized access (phone needs to be registered with server)
		- Adjusted on-screen help for User provisioning (mass provisioning)
		- typo causing presence warning time playback wrong time of day
		- corrected active conference room listing on XML phone applications
		- corrected network interface IP address change bug, where config would not be loaded properly

2008-12-16 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-i
		* add support for iSymphony Module (automatic extension provisioning)
		* bugfixes
		- End-User Panel: better handling of outgoing caller ID when using conference invites
		- better handling of network interface configuration
		- fixes Aastra default speedial for directory access (was speeddial instead of xml)

2008-12-11 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* release 2.0.0-h
		* DB Tag 5014
		* added 'add & new' button to user add dialog
		* End-User Panel: Extends conference room invites to public rooms
		* new SIP & IAX Channel listing with peer information
		* requirment of '_' for all pattern based route matching
		* adds 'Modified' column to 'Voice Prompts' list
		* Adds VoIP Trunk Editor for SIP and IAX
		* Adds Trunk Registrations for SIP and IAX
		* bugfixes
		- better conference room editor and conference room input validation
		- fixes issue with setting time zone via admin interface
		- End-User Panel: improved caller ID setting on click-to-call
		- fixes issue where 'manual editor' link was being displayed with lower ranking admin 
		- End-User Panel: Support for star codes as arbitrary destinations on the Contacts 
		- support for various additional insecure options for SIP channels
		- support for new 'transfer' instead of 'notransfer' parameter in IAX channels
		- fixes call-limit variable for SIP channels
		- cleaned up row spacing in IAX and SIP editors for cleaner display
		- fixes issue where Queues would always time-out into an invalid dial command
		- checks for queue membership before attempting to put caller into queue
		- fixes problem with orphaned queue members on queue name change

2008-12-02 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-g (critical)
		* bugfixes
		- ipbx-db.sql errors fixed		

2008-11-25 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* support for personal conference room invitations. See End-User Panel 'My Room'
		* support for individual section editing in the manual configuration file editor
		* added unique call ID to admin CDR viewer + userfield as accountcode overlay
		* inline field documentation for admin CDR export (Export Records)
		* bugfixes
		- ipbx-tasker SQL selection error trapping and error reporting fixed

2008-11-13 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>
		* bugfixes
		- uvm.agi now properly supports mailbox and context arguments (fixes backwards
		  compatibility with v. 1.2)

2008-11-10 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-f
		* DB Tag 5013
		* limited support for Grandstream GXP phones (new control class)
		* Added Playback of time for presence hours module
		* minor bugfixes
		- Internet Explorer CSS adjustments
		- ipbx-config wording improvements

2008-10-28 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-e
		* DB Tag 5013
		* general bugfixes
		- allows for spaces in IVR prompt files
		- supports Time based presence module
		- supports Remote extensions module (set trunk mode for extension)
2008-10-28 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-d
		* DB Tag 5012
		* added regserver field to Database Schema / DB Tag 5012
		* support for IVR replay options
		* general bugfixes
		- fixes IVR bug where certain IVR functions would not perform correctly
		- corrects manual IVR name matching for application selection and 'Upon Timeout' 
		- corrects/adds support for queue names with spaces

2008-10-24 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-c 
		* DB Tag 5011
		- support for CID Name in IVR options
		- fixes `support_feature` map availability options
		* general bugfixes
		- feature map selection of on-call application
		- IVR switch on/off is now working

2008-10-24 Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* release 2.0.0-b 
		* DB Tag 5010
		* adds module support along with:
		- Additional Line / Softphone Module
		- Delayed Paging Module
		- End User URL Control Module
		- Multi-Site Support Module
		- Unified Voicemail Module
		- On-Call Notification Module
		Multiple minor bugfixes: 
		- 'mailbox only' use of extensions has been fixed
		- mailbox permissions on mailbox creation have been corrected for non-privileged user

2008-08-01	Build Taridium <bdept@taridium.com>

		* new version 2.0.0-a (release in testing)
		* DB Tag 5010
		* initial package release

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