From Taridium
Trunks are configuration elements that define how ipbx communicates with outside phone systems. Multi Site trunking does not require additional trunk configuration and communication/authentication is completely automated via master settings.
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VoIP Trunks
VoIP Trunks can either be SIP or IAX2 based. While trunks are very similar to channels, their configuration is supposed to be static and take care of interconnection between systems.
SIP Trunks and NAT
If your system is on a private IP address and you are connecting to the public internet, you will have to specify your external IP address in SIP Channels → General Settings → External IP Address or alternatively in Configuration → Manual Editor → SIP Configuration → externip =
Trunks List
To view the trunks list, click on Configuration → VoIP Trunks.
This interaction displays all your configured VoIP trunks. Click on the icon to edit a trunk, or click on the
icon to remove the trunk. Click on ping to find out whether the host is alive or not. An appropriate signaling packet will be sent and response will be expected. Note that a successful reply is no guarantee for correct trunk configuration.
Add Trunk
To add a trunk, click on Configuration → VoIP Trunks and click on add SIP trunk or add IAX trunk.
Trunks are usually static (static IP address). For detailed explanation of trunk parameter see adding SIP channels or adding IAX channels.
Registrations List
To view your registrations click on Configuration → VoIP Trunks → Registrations.
The registration list shows you with which other servers your ipbx is registered to. This behavior is akin to a phone/client registered to ipbx.
This interaction will display your registration settings and show whether your system is properly registered with the remote host:
Click on the icon to edit a registration, or click on the
icon to remove the registration.
Add Registration
To add a trunk, click on Configuration → VoIP Trunks → Registrations and click on add SIP registration or add IAX registration.
Adding SIP Registration
Registration User
The registration user as setup on the remote host. Required.
Registration Password
The registration password as setup on the remote host. (optional)
Authentication User
If set, an authentication user different from the the user. (optional)
The remote host that will accept the registration. Required.
The mapped extension for any incoming calls. This extension will usually be looked up via Inbound Routing. The default dialplan context is incoming.
Adding IAX Registration
Registration User
The registration user as setup on the remote host. Required.
Registration Password
The registration password as setup on the remote host. (optional)
The remote host that will accept the registration. Required.
PSTN / TDM Trunks
Interconnection of your ipbx system with the public switched telephone network PSTN or other TDM based systems can be either achieved using a gateway or an on-board TDM card.
Taridium supplied systems are, when required, equipped with Sangoma echo-cancelling T1/E1 PRI cards that can range from 1 to 8 ports. Check Diagnostics → Status → TDM Interfaces to see your installed cards.