Comms Configuration File

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(14 intermediate revisions not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
Valid parameters for config.php. The reference values are stored in default.php.
Valid parameters for config.php. The reference values are stored in default.php.
{| class="wikitable" style="background-color:#ccffff; text-align:left;"
{| class="wikitable" style="background-color:#ccffff; text-align:left; width: 100%"
!Default Value
!Default Value  
Line 65: Line 65:
|which provider to use: clickatell or twilio
|which provider to use: clickatell, smpp or twilio
Line 81: Line 81:
|Follow Me
|Follow Me
|custom name for follw me
|custom name for follow me
|which provider software to use: e.g. jasmin (
|authentication username for SMPPSendURL
|authentication password for SMPPSendURL
|the URL to send messages to: example: http://x.x.x.x:1401/send
|the comms e-mail to SMS gateway, e.g. This will be used as the domain portion of the 'from' address so SMS messages can be replied to.
Line 98: Line 117:
|whether to show 0s billing and unanswered calls. Requires unanswered=yes in cdr.conf.
|whether to show 0s billing and unanswered calls. Requires unanswered=yes in cdr.conf.
|whether to record all enterprise calls in a separate table (in addition to the primary CDR table). See also $cfg['CDREntDisplay'] and CDR maintenance settings when this has been enabled.
|whether to use the enterprise CDR tables for display.
Line 368: Line 395:
|a list of disallowed SIP user agents - this needs to be an array and accepts PREG expressions
Line 492: Line 519:
|extension numbers which are not allowed
|an array of extension numbers which are not allowed for use as enterprise extensions. Commonly this would include emergency numbers etc.
Line 574: Line 601:
|whether to send error messages to the receipient of a fax to e-mail attempt.
|whether to send error messages to the receipient of a fax to e-mail attempt.
|reject faxes with anonymous/no caller ID.
Line 686: Line 717:
|whether to send the report regardless of whether there have been any calls
|whether to send the report regardless of whether there have been any calls
|whether to allow 'enter extension at any time' style access to mailboxes too using the ** prefix.
Line 746: Line 781:
|whether to disable caller ID sanitization on inbound calls
|whether to disable caller ID sanitization on inbound calls
|whether to always look up caller ID names on inbound calls (vs only if no CIDNAME is available)
Line 994: Line 1,033:
|do not change here
|do not change here
|set the IP of the of the passthrough SIP proxy - this is primarily required for display purposes so the system knows which IP is the proxy's IP.
|the DNS name of the passthrough SIP proxy. This will be used in lieu of any %%address%% parameters when generating file templates.
|array('nat' => 'yes', 'qualify' => 'no', 'transport' => 'udp', 'encryption' => '');
|the default (override) settings for SIP peers that use the passthrough SIP proxy. These values will be used instead of whatever values have been set in the SIP template.
Line 1,002: Line 1,055:
|what SIP codecs to offer as default
|what SIP codecs to offer as default
|whether to reply with BUSY when call limits are hit (vs. SIP 480 unavailable). Default is FALSE.
Line 1,062: Line 1,119:
|What to present when the caller presses * on listening to a voicemail greeting (vm,disa,full or disabled)
|What to present when the caller presses * on listening to a voicemail greeting (vm,disa,full or disabled)
|whether to allow international calling on DISA access.
Line 1,180: Line 1,241:
|default table offset
|default table offset
|default table offset when searching
Line 1,305: Line 1,370:
|which provider to use: clickatell or twilio
|which provider to use: clickatell, smpp or twilio
Line 1,394: Line 1,459:
|alternate outgoing context for faxes (see mail2fax)
|alternate outgoing context for faxes (see mail2fax)
|a custom font for all UIs
|Turns on iOS pn-tok style push notifications

Latest revision as of 21:24, 6 October 2017

Valid parameters for config.php. The reference values are stored in default.php.

Name Default Value Description
$cfg['AMIHTTPHost'] http://localhost:5039 the default Asterisk Manager Proxy Host
$cfg['AddLineIAXTemplate'] default IAX template to use for additional line softphones in End User Panel, this is deprecated as of 2.3-j
$cfg['AddLineInstances'] 5 how many softphone additional lines to create when enabling this feature. Additional lines might be created if options like $cfg['enableWRTC'] are enabled
$cfg['AddLineSIPTemplate'] Generic SIP NAT default SIP template to use for additional line softphones in End User Panel, this can be an array
$cfg['AdminForceTOTP'] 0 whether to require two factor authentication on the admin and ITSP panels
$cfg['AdminHeadInclude'] include file for Administrator Panel
$cfg['AdminNoTOTPIP'] list of authorized IPs that don't require two factor auth. Space separated list with host IPs or subnets (CIDR notation). Supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
$cfg['AnnouncementsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/announcements announcement prompts directory
$cfg['AstConfig'] /etc/asterisk asterisk configuration path
$cfg['AstExec'] /usr/sbin/asterisk asterisk binary
$cfg['BSMSClickatellAPIID'] Clickatell API ID
$cfg['BSMSClickatellPassword'] Clickatell password
$cfg['BSMSClickatellUser'] Clickatell user
$cfg['BSMSPanel'] 0 Enable/disable bulk SMS feature in End User Panel (disabled by default) see also $cfg['FeatureList'] with the option 'bsms' to enable this for use
$cfg['BSMSProvider'] clickatell which provider to use: clickatell, smpp or twilio
$cfg['BSMSTwilioAccountSID'] Twililo Account SID
$cfg['BSMSTwilioAuthToken'] Twilio Auth Token
$cfg['BSMSTwilioFromDID'] Twilio SMS from DID
$cfg['BrandFollowMe'] Follow Me custom name for follow me
$cfg['SMPPProvider'] which provider software to use: e.g. jasmin (
$cfg['SMPPUsername'] authentication username for SMPPSendURL
$cfg['SMPPPassword'] authentication password for SMPPSendURL $cfg['SMPPSendURL'] the URL to send messages to: example: http://x.x.x.x:1401/send
$cfg['SMPPEMailGW'] the comms e-mail to SMS gateway, e.g. This will be used as the domain portion of the 'from' address so SMS messages can be replied to.
$cfg['BrandName'] VoIP Brand Name
$cfg['BusyRetryWait'] 5 seconds to wait until busy retry dial
$cfg['CDRBrowseOffset'] 20 how may rows should be displayed on the calls page
$cfg['CDBrowserShowAll'] 0 whether to show 0s billing and unanswered calls. Requires unanswered=yes in cdr.conf.
$cfg['CDREntRecord'] 0 whether to record all enterprise calls in a separate table (in addition to the primary CDR table). See also $cfg['CDREntDisplay'] and CDR maintenance settings when this has been enabled.
$cfg['CDREntDisplay'] 0 whether to use the enterprise CDR tables for display.
$cfg['CDRHost'] localhost location of system CDR database
$cfg['CDRMainOffset'] 5 how may rows should be displayed as default on the panel page
$cfg['CDRName'] cdr name of database
$cfg['CDRPass'] comms password
$cfg['CDRSaveIP'] 1 save peer IP address in CDR when call is completed
$cfg['CDRUser'] comms user name
$cfg['CRAlternatePath'] 0 call recording alternate path
$cfg['CRDefaultPath'] /var/spool/asterisk/monitor call recording default path
$cfg['CREnterpriseLimit'] 2 limit of call recording directory size for enterprise in GB
$cfg['CRFormat'] gsm Format for standard call recording (enterprise call recording)
$cfg['CRNotifySupport'] 1 whether to notify customer support when a customer call recording storage facility has reached the set limit. See ['CREnterpriseLimit']
$cfg['CRUnbridged'] 0 whether to display the option to record un-bridged calls, default is FALSE
$cfg['CSSBullet'] /images/arrow-right-w.gif
$cfg['CSSButtonBack'] /images/button-bg.gif
$cfg['CSSButtonBackBack'] /images/button-bg-back.gif
$cfg['CSSButtonBackFwd'] /images/button-bg-fwd.gif
$cfg['CSSLogoutBack'] /images/logout-menu-back.gif
$cfg['CSSLogoutBackActive'] /images/logout-menu-back-active.gif
$cfg['CSSMaster'] /css/basic.css
$cfg['CSSMenuBack'] /images/main-menu-back.gif
$cfg['CSSMenuBackActive'] /images/main-menu-back-active.gif
$cfg['CSSStarImage'] /images/asterisk-mini.gif
$cfg['CSSTableHeadingImage'] /images/neat-bg.gif
$cfg['CSSbordercolor'] #CFCFCF
$cfg['CSSdarkbordercolor'] #434343
$cfg['CSSdefaultlinkcolor'] #767676
$cfg['CSSdefaulttablewidth'] 650px
$cfg['CSSfontcolor'] #444444
$cfg['CSSlinkcolor'] #0A699A
$cfg['CSSmenucolor'] #0A699A
$cfg['CSSsubmenucolor'] #24B5FF
$cfg['CSStablebackground'] #F0F0F0
$cfg['ChanSpyTimeout'] 3600 Absolute timeout on ChanSpy/Barge functions
$cfg['ConferencingAutoCloseAdmin'] 0 whether to kick all participants once the admin has left the conference room
$cfg['ConferencingMaxCount'] 15 maximum number of conference participants
$cfg['ConferencingMaxEnterprise'] 3 maximum number of conference rooms per enterprise
$cfg['ConferencingPINTimeout'] 5000 how long to wait in milliseconds until the input is accepted when entering a conf PIN
$cfg['ConnectedLineUpdates'] 1 whether we should send programatical connected line updates (e.g. group call names etc.)
$cfg['ConsoleLinkEUP'] 0 whether to show a link to the Console in the End User Panel
$cfg['CustName'] [customer name] Customer Name
$cfg['CustomerCareEmail'] Reply-To E-Mail
$cfg['DBAHost'] localhost location of system database
$cfg['DBAName'] comms name of database
$cfg['DBAPass'] commsa password
$cfg['DBAUser'] commsa user name
$cfg['DBHost'] localhost location of system database
$cfg['DBName'] comms name of database
$cfg['DBNotifyErrors'] 1 Whether to send e-mail notifications to customer care when there is database error
$cfg['DBPass'] comms password
$cfg['DBQueueLog'] 0 whether we should use the DB for qeue logging (also check /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf) this is the default method as of comms-2.4-d (new installs only)
$cfg['DBUser'] comms user name
$cfg['DIDAssignPilot'] 0 whether to allow pilot/BTN assignments to DIDs (this is only used by pilot2clid.agi)
$cfg['DIDBulkMax'] 2000 maximum number of DIDs that can be added using the Admin Stock DID interface (range feature)
$cfg['DIDLimitSelection'] 8 limit the choice of suffixes when assigning DID's.
$cfg['DIDPreselectCountry'] limit the choice of DID's to a specific country
$cfg['DIDlockTime'] 600 time in seconds until DID locks expire during signup
$cfg['DateFormat'] Y-m-d standard date format (deprecated, use DefaultDateFormat)
$cfg['DefaultCharset'] windows-1252 default character set
$cfg['DefaultCurrency'] $ default currency
$cfg['DefaultDateFormat'] D M d Y default date format
$cfg['DefaultLanguage'] eng default language (three letter ISO code)
$cfg['DefaultMinimumCallCost'] 0.01 default minimum call cost
$cfg['DefaultTimeFormat'] h:i:s A default time format
$cfg['DeviceAdminPassword'] used for device templates %%devadminpw%%
$cfg['DialByNameTimeout'] 5000 how long to wait in milliseconds until the input is accepted when dialing by name
$cfg['DialExternalTransform'] 0 Example: _NXXNXXXXXX,1\${EXTEN}
$cfg['DialingStripZero'] 0 strip leading zero if any on local calls (enable this for UK etc.)
$cfg['DisallowedUAs'] array('/^friendly-scanner/','/^VaxSIPUserAgent/','/^eyeBeam/') a list of disallowed SIP user agents - this needs to be an array and accepts PREG expressions
$cfg['EmailLogo'] logo for invoices, if set E-mails will be sent in HTML (see also reseller settings)
$cfg['EmergencyEmail'] emergency access dial notification (if not set the customer care e-mail will be used)
$cfg['EmergencyNumber'] 911 emergency access number, if not set specifically defaults such as 911, 999, 112 etc. will be matched
$cfg['EntCTIEnabled'] 0 whether to offer CTI callback in groups, extensions etc.
$cfg['EntFeatureList'] recording,serviceivr,qa,voicemail,did,prompts,moh,toc,conference,timed,holiday,api,dtmfdisplay,callaccounting,ldap,blist enable enterprise features
$cfg['EntHeadInclude'] include file for Enterprise Panel
$cfg['EntHelpEnabled'] 0 enable this to display help links on the enterprise panel
$cfg['EntLoginInclude'] what should appear in the body part of the login page
$cfg['EnterpriseAdminLoginList'] 0 show enterprises for super user admin (default is FALSE -> security risk!)
$cfg['EnterpriseCCallEnforcement'] 1 whether to enforce enterprise call concurrency
$cfg['EnterpriseDefaultLanding'] cdr default landing when logging into enterprise panel
$cfg['EnterpriseDisallowedExtensions'] array('911','999','112','411','311','919','000') an array of extension numbers which are not allowed for use as enterprise extensions. Commonly this would include emergency numbers etc.
$cfg['EnterpriseDistinctiveRingHeader'] 0 which header to set on internal calls for distinctive ring, e.g. Bellcore-dr3
$cfg['EnterpriseEnforceCID'] 1 don't allow CID spoofing on enterprise accounts
$cfg['EnterpriseEnforcePilot'] 0 don't allow arbitrary pilot numbers (need to be a DID) only applies to admin class access
$cfg['EnterpriseExtenLength'] 4 maximum length of enterprise extensions
$cfg['EnterpriseExtenMinLength'] 2 minimum length of enterprise extensions
$cfg['EnterpriseLDAPQuerySource'] Enterprise LDAP integration source IP (for display only)
$cfg['EnterpriseListCounts'] extensions,phones,extgroups what to show in the enterprise table counts column. Comma separated list of names. Valid values are: extensions,phones,extgroups,trunks,trunkpaths,callpaths. Can be FALSE for no display.
$cfg['EnterpriseMaxActive'] 30 default maximum number of active extensions per enterprise
$cfg['EnterpriseMaxDID'] 30 maximum number of extensions per enterprise
$cfg['EnterpriseMaxExtensions'] 30 default maximum number of extensions per enterprise
$cfg['EnterprisePilotPattern'] 0 a pattern that a pilot number needs to match to: Perl regular expression
$cfg['EnterpriseRequirePilot'] 0 require a pilot number when creating enterprise, only applies if $cfg['EnterpriseEnforcePilot'] is FALSE
$cfg['ExternalConfServer'] 0 external conference server (always use for multiple servers)
$cfg['FSSwitchPrefix'] 0 whether to prefix all file system directories with the switch ID (applies to VMDefaultPath, MOHDir, PromptsDir and CRDefaultPath)
$cfg['FaxDetectApp'] NVFaxDetect application to detect faxes (needs to support fax extension)
$cfg['FaxDetectAppArgs'] dt fax detection application arguments
$cfg['FaxEmailBody'] additional fax body for personal fax2email
$cfg['FaxFromEmail'] from e-mail for fax2email
$cfg['FaxIntercept'] 0 detect and send all faxes to a specific destination
$cfg['FaxReceiveNotifyErrors'] 1 whether to send error messages to the receipient of a fax to e-mail attempt.
$cfg['FaxRejectAnonymousCID'] 0 reject faxes with anonymous/no caller ID.
$cfg['FeatureList'] callforward,vmsettings,callwaiting,addline,assistant,followme,clidblock,intlcalling,callscreen,callrecord,missed,busyretry,emergency,calllist,personalconf enable enterprise features
$cfg['GlobalDynamicFeatures'] global dynamic features are added to all inbound and outbound calls
$cfg['QueueDynamicFeatures'] recstop#recstart queue dynamic features
$cfg['GlobalPickupDelay'] 0 delay after IVR and feature pickup in seconds
$cfg['GroupDialArguments'] Group dial arguments (used in conjunction with StdDialArguments)
$cfg['GroupPagingEnabled'] 0 group paging (requires conferencing/meetme to work)
$cfg['GroupPagingMaxMembers'] 10 limits the number of paging members in a group
$cfg['GroupPagingNoAAUserAgents'] Array array of user agent match strings which should not be sent an auto-answer header
$cfg['HTTPGroup'] apache default HTTP server group
$cfg['HTTPUser'] apache default HTTP server user
$cfg['IPSBlockIntlOnly'] 0 only drop international calls
$cfg['IPSBlockedUA'] 0 array of banned UAs
$cfg['IPSIgnoreIPPPChange'] 0 whether to ignore changes of IP when the UA remains the same, even when changing from private to public
$cfg['IPSTracking'] 0 intrusion detection and prevention
$cfg['ITSPAllowEnterpriseEdit'] 1
$cfg['ITSPHeadInclude'] include file for ITSP interface
$cfg['ITSPLoginInclude'] what should appear in the body part of the login page
$cfg['IntBlockPattern'] 011. sets the pattern for international call blocking / see also $cfgdef['IntlPrefix']
$cfg['IntlAutoBlockCheckPeriod'] 0 how often to check for international call levels (in seconds) - set to 0 for disabled
$cfg['IntlAutoBlockRatingTable'] 0 which rating table to use for automatic blocking
$cfg['IntlAutoBlockThresholdSelect'] Array at what level we want to auto block international calling
$cfg['IntlBlockDefault'] 0 whether to create new enterprises with international calling blocked by default
$cfg['IntlBlockList'] a supplemental list of prefixes which are considered 'international' e.g. NANP list, can be a web resource
$cfg['IntlExclusionPattern'] ^\+[2-9] the + style pattern which should be always considered international
$cfg['IntlFraudMultiplier'] 1 by how much we should multiply sales rates when checking for international fraud
$cfg['IntlPrefix'] 011 prefix for international calls / see also $cfgdef['IntBlockPattern']
$cfg['IntlReportActivityPeriod'] 0 whether a report e-mail should be sent out within the period in seconds of all international calls
$cfg['IntlReportActivityAlways'] 0 whether to send the report regardless of whether there have been any calls
$cfg['IVRAllowDirectToMailbox'] 0 whether to allow 'enter extension at any time' style access to mailboxes too using the ** prefix.
$cfg['LocalDialLength'] 7 local dial string length
$cfg['LogTransactions'] 1 whether to log transaction (default is on)
$cfg['MOHDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 Music On Hold Directory
$cfg['MOHDirDefault'] /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/template-default Source of default MOH files
$cfg['MOHFormat'] .mp3 music on hold upload format
$cfg['MOHMaxfilesize'] 16 maximum upload file size in MB
$cfg['MOHNative'] 1 use native slinear on-board storage
$cfg['MOHRandom'] 1 whether to play music on hold files randomly
$cfg['MarketingURL'] Marketing URL
$cfg['MeetMeExitContext'] inconf where to exit to when a keypress is received in a conference call
$cfg['MemCachedHost'] localhost Your Memcached Server
$cfg['MemCachedPort'] 11211 Your Memcached Server
$cfg['MinCallDuration'] 30 minimum call duration required for call credits
$cfg['MobileUserAgents'] iPhone,telx,mobi,BlackBerry,Windows CE,Android,HTC_,Symbian,Palm preset mobile user agents
$cfg['NoSanitizedCLIDName'] 0 whether to disable caller ID sanitization on inbound calls
$cfg['CLIDNameLookupAlways'] 0 whether to always look up caller ID names on inbound calls (vs only if no CIDNAME is available)
$cfg['NotifyEMail'] 1 Additional E-Mail notification interface (TRUE/FALSE)
$cfg['NotifyFromEmail'] from e-mail address on notifications only
$cfg['NotifyPhone'] 1 Additional Phone notification interface (TRUE/FALSE)
$cfg['NotifyReplyEmail'] reply to e-mail address on notifications only
$cfg['NotifySMS'] 0 SMS notification interface (TRUE/FALSE)
$cfg['OneTouchMaxMessage'] 100 limits how many message one-touch recordings can store in VM folder (should be bigger or equal than maxmessage in voicemail.conf)
$cfg['PDFInvoiceDir'] /var/spool/comms/invoices where to store PDF invoices
$cfg['PDFInvoicePageSize'] Letter Page size for PDF generation
$cfg['PWminlength'] 6 min. length of signup/end user panel password
$cfg['PanelCallingTech'] Array
$cfg['PanelHeadInclude'] include file for End-User Panel
$cfg['PanelHelpEnabled'] 0 enable this to display help links on the end-user panel
$cfg['PanelLoginInclude'] what should appear in the body part of the login page
$cfg['PanelVMCopyEnabled'] 1
$cfg['ParkingApp'] 0 support for call parking
$cfg['ParkingTimeout'] 180 how long until hangup of a parked call in seconds
$cfg['PermissionControl'] 0 whether to enable permission control table editor
$cfg['PersonalConfLimit'] 5 maximum number of personal conference room participants
$cfg['PhoneNoPattern'] X-XXX-XXX-XXXX
$cfg['PortNumber'] 1 allow number porting
$cfg['PostCreateEnterprise'] 0 Script to run after enterprise is created
$cfg['PostEditEnterprise'] 0 Script to run after enterprise is edited
$cfg['PromptRecordingTimeout'] 30000 maximum recording time for prompts in ms
$cfg['PromptsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/prompts system prompts directory
$cfg['PromptsFormat'] .gsm voice prompts upload/default format (wave files are always accepted)
$cfg['PromptsMaxfilesize'] 16 maximum upload file size in MB
$cfg['PromptsNative'] 1 use native slinear on-board storage
$cfg['ProvisioningServer'] used for device templates %%provserver%%
$cfg['QAFromEmail'] Q&A from e-mail address
$cfg['QARecordingFormat'] .wav recording format (.wav or .gsm)
$cfg['QAReplyEmail'] Q&A reply to e-mail address
$cfg['QueueDialArguments'] x queue dial arguments
$cfg['RACallsTable'] 0 a table which rates accounted calls
$cfg['RECHost'] localhost location of system recording database
$cfg['RECName'] monitor name of database
$cfg['RECPass'] comms password
$cfg['RECUser'] comms user name
$cfg['RatingDisabled'] 0 disable call rating
$cfg['SIPApplicationServer'] 0 optional server IP address to send IVR functions to
$cfg['SIPProxy'] SIP proxy to use
$cfg['SIPProxyLocal'] 0 whether to use local SIP proxy - cannot be used with SIPProxy value
$cfg['SIPProxyPort'] 5060 do not change here
$cfg['SIPProxyPTIP'] set the IP of the of the passthrough SIP proxy - this is primarily required for display purposes so the system knows which IP is the proxy's IP.
$cfg['SIPProxyPTDNS'] the DNS name of the passthrough SIP proxy. This will be used in lieu of any %%address%% parameters when generating file templates.
$cfg['SIPProxyPTTemplate'] array('nat' => 'yes', 'qualify' => 'no', 'transport' => 'udp', 'encryption' => ); the default (override) settings for SIP peers that use the passthrough SIP proxy. These values will be used instead of whatever values have been set in the SIP template.
$cfg['SIPTrunkCallLimit'] 25 default number of concurrent SIP trunk calls
$cfg['SIPTrunkCodecOrder'] ulaw,alaw,g729 what SIP codecs to offer as default
$cfg['SIPTrunkForceBusy'] 0 whether to reply with BUSY when call limits are hit (vs. SIP 480 unavailable). Default is FALSE.
$cfg['SIPTrunkSendRPID'] yes whether to send RPID on SIP trunk calls
$cfg['SIPTrunkTrustRPID'] yes whether to trust RPID on SIP trunk calls
$cfg['SIPTrunkPrefCodec'] all Enterprise SIP trunk codec preference (needs to match available)
$cfg['SIPTrunkPrefInsecure'] no Enterprise SIP trunk insecure preference
$cfg['SIPTrunkPrefDTMFMode'] rfc2833 Enterprise SIP trunk DTMF mode preference
$cfg['SIPTrunkPrefTransport'] udp Enterprise SIP trunk Transport preference
$cfg['SIPTrunkPrefQualify'] Enterprise SIP trunk qualify preference
$cfg['SIPTrunkPrefSessionTimers'] accept Enterprise SIP trunk session timers preference
$cfg['SIPiclimit'] 2 limit incoming calls on SIP channels (call waiting)
$cfg['SIPoglimit'] 2 limit outgoing calls on SIP channels
$cfg['ServerFromEmail'] From address of e-mails
$cfg['ServiceDemo'] 0 enables 'demo' mode for /signup-ent/
$cfg['ServiceDemoPlanID'] 0 which plan ID to use (numeric ID) when running signups in demo mode (ServiceDemo=TRUE)
$cfg['ServiceHeadImage'] /images/taridium-logo-large.png The Logo for /service/ 180x58px
$cfg['ServiceIVRModeOnStarVM'] vm What to present when the caller presses * on listening to a voicemail greeting (vm,disa,full or disabled)
$cfg['ServiceIVRIntlCalling'] 0 whether to allow international calling on DISA access.
$cfg['SessionTimeout'] 1200 seconds until the login sessions time out
$cfg['ShortcutIcon'] /images/taridium.ico
$cfg['SignupEntEmailFooter'] Your Suppport Team at Taridium US: +1 800 801 0039 Canada: +1 289 288 3617 Europe: +41 44 786 70 11

$cfg['SignupEntHeadImage'] /images/taridium-logo-large.svg The Logo for /signup-ent/ 180x58px
$cfg['SignupFooterInclude'] include file for Signup Forms (m=[signup step] is passed along)
$cfg['SimulateSignup'] 1 simulate CC signup? default install is 1 (YES)
$cfg['SiteName'] taridium Site Name
$cfg['SiteURL'] Site Name
$cfg['SoftwareClient'] Array 200 x 150px
$cfg['SpoolAttempts'] 4 how many call attempts
$cfg['SpoolDuration'] 25000 how long to try on outbound/spooled calls in ms
$cfg['SpoolEscalationTimeout'] 600 how long to wait until trying next number (if applicable) should be >= than SpoolAttempts x SpoolInterval
$cfg['SpoolInterval'] 150 how long to wait between spooled calls in s
$cfg['StdDialArguments'] tr standard dial arguments
$cfg['StripCIDCountryCode'] 0 remove caller ID country code (e.g. US 10 digits for outgoing caller ID)
$cfg['StripCIDPlusInbound'] 0 whether to strip + sign on inbound caller ID's (e.g. e.164 CID). Can also take value 2, which will not only strip the plus sign on the inbound caller ID number but also add 011 to non-NANP numbers.
$cfg['StripIntlPrefix'] 0 strip intl. prefix on all outbound calls
$cfg['SwitchID'] 0 only needed in multiswitch environments (e.g. sw5)
$cfg['SystemName'] pbx-management System Name (can be anything)
$cfg['SystemPromptsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds system prompts directory
$cfg['TTSAcapelaApp'] Acapela application
$cfg['TTSAcapelaLogin'] Acapela Login
$cfg['TTSAcapelaPwd'] Acapela Password
$cfg['TTSAcapelaURL'] Acapela Request URL
$cfg['TTSAcapelaVoices'] Array the Acapela voices to offer/use
$cfg['TTSCepstralGen'] /usr/local/bin/swift location of Cepstral Swift
$cfg['TTSEngine'] festival options are: swift, festival or acapela (cloud API)
$cfg['TTSFestivalGen'] /usr/bin/text2wave location of Festival text2wave
$cfg['TableOffSet'] 100 default table offset
$cfg['TableOffSetSearch'] 500 default table offset when searching
$cfg['TemplateReplaceListIAX'] name,username,secret,callerid,accountcode,mailbox variables for template
$cfg['TemplateReplaceListSIP'] name,username,secret,callerid,nat,accountcode,mailbox variables for template
$cfg['TimeFormat'] H:i:s standard time format (deprecated, use DefaultTimeFormat)
$cfg['TransactionLogMaxAge'] 1209600 whether to automatically delete the transaction log entries beyond a certain age in seconds
$cfg['TrunkDialArguments'] tTWX standard dial arguments for trunk calls
$cfg['TurnUpNotificationTime'] 0 Daily turnup notifications. String in 24hr format, example: "17:00"
$cfg['TurnUpNotificationEmail'] 0 Daily turnup notification e-mail address. If not set the value from $cfg['CustomerCareEmail'] will be used.
$cfg['UNminlength'] 6 min. length of signup username
$cfg['UpNextMax'] 10 Maximum times the up next (upon timeout) function can be called to prevent loops
$cfg['UploadDir'] /var/www/upload where uploaded files go
$cfg['UseConfBridge'] 0 Whether to use the alternative conferencing application (overriden by $cfg['ExternalConfServer'])
$cfg['VMAccessSkipPW'] 0 when this is enabled auto-login will not only skip the box no. but also PIN.
$cfg['VMBroadcastNative'] 0 use asterisk to record and distribute voicemail broadcasts
$cfg['VMClickatellAPIID'] Clickatell API ID, see $cfgdef['NotifySMS']
$cfg['VMClickatellPassword'] Clickatell password, see $cfgdef['NotifySMS']
$cfg['VMClickatellUser'] Clickatell user, see $cfgdef['NotifySMS']
$cfg['VMContext'] customers VM default context
$cfg['VMCustomBody'] Dear ${VM_NAME}:

just wanted to let you know you were just left a ${VM_DUR} long message (number ${VM_MSGNUM}) in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CIDNUM} - ${VM_CIDNAME}, on ${VM_DATE}, so you might want to check it when you get a chance.


--comms, hosted business telephone systems by Taridium

custom voicemail body
$cfg['VMCustomEMail'] 0 enables/disables custom e-mail settings in resellers etc.
$cfg['VMCustomFromEmail'] 0 A custom value for the from address when sending e-mails (this will be overwritten when a reseller is set. Format: "Voicemail"
$cfg['VMCustomSubject'] [comms] New voicemail in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID} custom voicemail subject
$cfg['VMDefaultPath'] /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail VM default path
$cfg['VMFormat'] .wav voicemail storage format, this must match one of the formats in voicemail.conf
$cfg['VMFullWarning'] 1 whether to notify mailbox users via e-mail when the mailbox is full
$cfg['VMMaxEnterpriseMessages'] 200 maximum value for enterprise voicemail settings
$cfg['VMNexiwavePassword'] Nexiwave account password
$cfg['VMNexiwaveUser'] Nexiwave account user
$cfg['VMPINLengthMin'] 4 minimum length for voicemail PINs (limited to 8 digits)
$cfg['VMSMSProvider'] clickatell which provider to use: clickatell, smpp or twilio
$cfg['VMSpeech2Text'] 0 enables/disables voicemail speech to text engines (requires VMCustomEMail = TRUE)
$cfg['VMTwilioAccountSID'] Twililo Account SID
$cfg['VMTwilioAuthToken'] Twilio Auth Token
$cfg['VMTwilioFromDID'] Twilio SMS from DID
$cfg['ValidateCC'] 0 validate credit cards
$cfg['WebRTC_Template'] template to use for WebRTC client
$cfg['WebRTC_enable_early_ims'] false
$cfg['WebRTC_enable_media_stream_cache'] true
$cfg['WebRTC_enable_rtcweb_breaker'] false
$cfg['WebRTC_ice_servers'] [{ url: 'stun:null'}]
$cfg['accountNotActivePrompt'] suspended what to play back if the account has been suspended prompts/comms directory
$cfg['accountNotFoundPrompt'] suspended what to play back if the account has not been found prompts/comms directory
$cfg['commsPromptsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/comms application prompts directory
$cfg['incomingContext'] incoming incoming context
$cfg['incomingDIDPrefix'] prefix to add to incoming numbers for matching. System expects full e614 no.s
$cfg['insideContext'] inside local context
$cfg['keepChannelPasssword'] 0 whether to keep the password on channel updates or renew
$cfg['lookupLocally'] 1 lookup outgoing DID's locally
$cfg['outgoingContext'] outgoing outgoing context
$cfg['outgoingContextFax'] 0 alternate outgoing context for faxes (see mail2fax)
$cfg['CSSFontURL'] a custom font for all UIs
$cfg['SmartPhonePushNotify'] 0 Turns on iOS pn-tok style push notifications
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