Comms Configuration File

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Line 94: Line 94:
|how may rows should be displayed on the calls page
|how may rows should be displayed on the calls page
|whether to show 0s billing and unanswered calls. Requires unanswered=yes in cdr.conf.

Revision as of 13:03, 21 April 2016

Valid parameters for config.php

Name Default Value Description
$cfg['AMIHTTPHost'] http://localhost:5039 the default Asterisk Manager Proxy Host
$cfg['AddLineIAXTemplate'] default IAX template to use for additional line softphones in End User Panel, this is deprecated as of 2.3-j
$cfg['AddLineInstances'] 5 how many softphone additional lines to create when enabling this feature. Additional lines might be created if options like $cfg['enableWRTC'] are enabled
$cfg['AddLineSIPTemplate'] Generic SIP NAT default SIP template to use for additional line softphones in End User Panel, this can be an array
$cfg['AdminForceTOTP'] 0 whether to require two factor authentication on the admin and ITSP panels
$cfg['AdminHeadInclude'] include file for Administrator Panel
$cfg['AdminNoTOTPIP'] list of authorized IPs that don't require two factor auth
$cfg['AnnouncementsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/announcements announcement prompts directory
$cfg['AstConfig'] /etc/asterisk asterisk configuration path
$cfg['AstExec'] /usr/sbin/asterisk asterisk binary
$cfg['BSMSClickatellAPIID'] Clickatell API ID
$cfg['BSMSClickatellPassword'] Clickatell password
$cfg['BSMSClickatellUser'] Clickatell user
$cfg['BSMSPanel'] 0 Enable/disable bulk SMS feature in End User Panel (disabled by default) see also $cfg['FeatureList'] with the option 'bsms' to enable this for use
$cfg['BSMSProvider'] clickatell which provider to use: clickatell or twilio
$cfg['BSMSTwilioAccountSID'] Twililo Account SID
$cfg['BSMSTwilioAuthToken'] Twilio Auth Token
$cfg['BSMSTwilioFromDID'] Twilio SMS from DID
$cfg['BrandFollowMe'] Follow Me custom name for follw me
$cfg['BrandName'] VoIP Brand Name
$cfg['BusyRetryWait'] 5 seconds to wait until busy retry dial
$cfg['CDRBrowseOffset'] 20 how may rows should be displayed on the calls page
$cfg['CDBrowserShowAll'] 0 whether to show 0s billing and unanswered calls. Requires unanswered=yes in cdr.conf.
$cfg['CDRHost'] localhost location of system CDR database
$cfg['CDRMainOffset'] 5 how may rows should be displayed as default on the panel page
$cfg['CDRName'] cdr name of database
$cfg['CDRPass'] comms password
$cfg['CDRSaveIP'] 1 save peer IP address in CDR when call is completed
$cfg['CDRUser'] comms user name
$cfg['CRAlternatePath'] 0 call recording alternate path
$cfg['CRDefaultPath'] /var/spool/asterisk/monitor call recording default path
$cfg['CREnterpriseLimit'] 2 limit of call recording directory size for enterprise in GB
$cfg['CRFormat'] gsm Format for standard call recording (enterprise call recording)
$cfg['CRNotifySupport'] 1 whether to notify customer support when a customer call recording storage facility has reached the set limit. See ['CREnterpriseLimit']
$cfg['CSSBullet'] /images/arrow-right-w.gif
$cfg['CSSButtonBack'] /images/button-bg.gif
$cfg['CSSButtonBackBack'] /images/button-bg-back.gif
$cfg['CSSButtonBackFwd'] /images/button-bg-fwd.gif
$cfg['CSSLogoutBack'] /images/logout-menu-back.gif
$cfg['CSSLogoutBackActive'] /images/logout-menu-back-active.gif
$cfg['CSSMaster'] /css/basic.css
$cfg['CSSMenuBack'] /images/main-menu-back.gif
$cfg['CSSMenuBackActive'] /images/main-menu-back-active.gif
$cfg['CSSStarImage'] /images/asterisk-mini.gif
$cfg['CSSTableHeadingImage'] /images/neat-bg.gif
$cfg['CSSbordercolor'] #CFCFCF
$cfg['CSSdarkbordercolor'] #434343
$cfg['CSSdefaultlinkcolor'] #767676
$cfg['CSSdefaulttablewidth'] 650px
$cfg['CSSfontcolor'] #444444
$cfg['CSSlinkcolor'] #0A699A
$cfg['CSSmenucolor'] #0A699A
$cfg['CSSsubmenucolor'] #24B5FF
$cfg['CSStablebackground'] #F0F0F0
$cfg['ChanSpyTimeout'] 3600 Absolute timeout on ChanSpy/Barge functions
$cfg['ConferencingAutoCloseAdmin'] 0 whether to kick all participants once the admin has left the conference room
$cfg['ConferencingMaxCount'] 15 maximum number of conference participants
$cfg['ConferencingMaxEnterprise'] 3 maximum number of conference rooms per enterprise
$cfg['ConnectedLineUpdates'] 1 whether we should send programatical connected line updates (e.g. group call names etc.)
$cfg['ConsoleLinkEUP'] 0 whether to show a link to the Console in the End User Panel
$cfg['CustName'] [customer name] Customer Name
$cfg['CustomerCareEmail'] Reply-To E-Mail
$cfg['DBAHost'] localhost location of system database
$cfg['DBAName'] comms name of database
$cfg['DBAPass'] commsa password
$cfg['DBAUser'] commsa user name
$cfg['DBHost'] localhost location of system database
$cfg['DBName'] comms name of database
$cfg['DBNotifyErrors'] 1 Whether to send e-mail notifications to customer care when there is database error
$cfg['DBPass'] comms password
$cfg['DBQueueLog'] 0 whether we should use the DB for qeue logging (also check /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf) this is the default method as of comms-2.4-d (new installs only)
$cfg['DBUser'] comms user name
$cfg['DIDAssignPilot'] 0 whether to allow pilot/BTN assignments to DIDs (this is only used by pilot2clid.agi)
$cfg['DIDLimitSelection'] 8 limit the choice of suffixes when assigning DID's.
$cfg['DIDPreselectCountry'] limit the choice of DID's to a specific country
$cfg['DIDlockTime'] 600 time in seconds until DID locks expire during signup
$cfg['DateFormat'] Y-m-d standard date format (deprecated, use DefaultDateFormat)
$cfg['DefaultCharset'] windows-1252 default character set
$cfg['DefaultCurrency'] $ default currency
$cfg['DefaultDateFormat'] D M d Y default date format
$cfg['DefaultLanguage'] eng default language (three letter ISO code)
$cfg['DefaultMinimumCallCost'] 0.01 default minimum call cost
$cfg['DefaultTimeFormat'] h:i:s A default time format
$cfg['DeviceAdminPassword'] used for device templates %%devadminpw%%
$cfg['DialExternalTransform'] 0 Example: _NXXNXXXXXX,1\${EXTEN}
$cfg['DialingStripZero'] 0 strip leading zero if any on local calls (enable this for UK etc.)
$cfg['DisallowedUAs'] Array
$cfg['EmailLogo'] logo for invoices, if set E-mails will be sent in HTML (see also reseller settings)
$cfg['EmergencyEmail'] emergency access dial notification (if not set the customer care e-mail will be used)
$cfg['EmergencyNumber'] 911 emergency access number, if not set specifically defaults such as 911, 999, 112 etc. will be matched
$cfg['EntCTIEnabled'] 0 whether to offer CTI callback in groups, extensions etc.
$cfg['EntFeatureList'] recording,serviceivr,qa,voicemail,did,prompts,moh,toc,conference,timed,holiday,api,dtmfdisplay,callaccounting,ldap,blist enable enterprise features
$cfg['EntHeadInclude'] include file for Enterprise Panel
$cfg['EntHelpEnabled'] 0 enable this to display help links on the enterprise panel
$cfg['EntLoginInclude'] what should appear in the body part of the login page
$cfg['EnterpriseAdminLoginList'] 0 show enterprises for super user admin (default is FALSE -> security risk!)
$cfg['EnterpriseCCallEnforcement'] 0 whether to enforce enterprise call concurrency
$cfg['EnterpriseDefaultLanding'] cdr default landing when logging into enterprise panel
$cfg['EnterpriseDisallowedExtensions'] Array extension numbers which are not allowed
$cfg['EnterpriseDistinctiveRingHeader'] 0 which header to set on internal calls for distinctive ring, e.g. Bellcore-dr3
$cfg['EnterpriseEnforceCID'] 1 don't allow CID spoofing on enterprise accounts
$cfg['EnterpriseEnforcePilot'] 0 don't allow arbitrary pilot numbers (need to be a DID) only applies to admin class access
$cfg['EnterpriseExtenLength'] 4 maximum length of enterprise extensions
$cfg['EnterpriseExtenMinLength'] 2 minimum length of enterprise extensions
$cfg['EnterpriseLDAPQuerySource'] Enterprise LDAP integration source IP (for display only)
$cfg['EnterpriseMaxActive'] 30 default maximum number of active extensions per enterprise
$cfg['EnterpriseMaxDID'] 30 maximum number of extensions per enterprise
$cfg['EnterpriseMaxExtensions'] 30 default maximum number of extensions per enterprise
$cfg['EnterprisePilotPattern'] 0 a pattern that a pilot number needs to match to: Perl regular expression
$cfg['EnterpriseRequirePilot'] 0 require a pilot number when creating enterprise, only applies if $cfg['EnterpriseEnforcePilot'] is FALSE
$cfg['ExternalConfServer'] 0 external conference server (always use for multiple servers)
$cfg['FSSwitchPrefix'] 0 whether to prefix all file system directories with the switch ID (applies to VMDefaultPath, MOHDir, PromptsDir and CRDefaultPath)
$cfg['FaxDetectApp'] NVFaxDetect application to detect faxes (needs to support fax extension)
$cfg['FaxDetectAppArgs'] dt fax detection application arguments
$cfg['FaxEmailBody'] additional fax body for personal fax2email
$cfg['FaxFromEmail'] from e-mail for fax2email
$cfg['FaxIntercept'] 0 detect and send all faxes to a specific destination
$cfg['FaxReceiveNotifyErrors'] 1 whether to send error messages to the receipient of a fax to e-mail attempt.
$cfg['FeatureList'] callforward,vmsettings,callwaiting,addline,assistant,followme,clidblock,intlcalling,callscreen,callrecord,missed,busyretry,emergency,calllist,personalconf enable enterprise features
$cfg['GlobalDynamicFeatures'] global dynamic features are added to all inbound and outbound calls
$cfg['GlobalPickupDelay'] 0 delay after IVR and feature pickup in seconds
$cfg['GroupDialArguments'] Group dial arguments (used in conjunction with StdDialArguments)
$cfg['GroupPagingEnabled'] 0 group paging (requires conferencing/meetme to work)
$cfg['GroupPagingMaxMembers'] 10 limits the number of paging members in a group
$cfg['GroupPagingNoAAUserAgents'] Array array of user agent match strings which should not be sent an auto-answer header
$cfg['HTTPGroup'] apache default HTTP server group
$cfg['HTTPUser'] apache default HTTP server user
$cfg['IPSBlockIntlOnly'] 0 only drop international calls
$cfg['IPSBlockedUA'] 0 array of banned UAs
$cfg['IPSIgnoreIPPPChange'] 0 whether to ignore changes of IP when the UA remains the same, even when changing from private to public
$cfg['IPSTracking'] 0 intrusion detection and prevention
$cfg['ITSPAllowEnterpriseEdit'] 1
$cfg['ITSPHeadInclude'] include file for ITSP interface
$cfg['ITSPLoginInclude'] what should appear in the body part of the login page
$cfg['IntBlockPattern'] 011. sets the pattern for international call blocking / see also $cfgdef['IntlPrefix']
$cfg['IntlAutoBlockCheckPeriod'] 0 how often to check for international call levels (in seconds) - set to 0 for disabled
$cfg['IntlAutoBlockRatingTable'] 0 which rating table to use for automatic blocking
$cfg['IntlAutoBlockThresholdSelect'] Array at what level we want to auto block international calling
$cfg['IntlBlockDefault'] 0 whether to create new enterprises with international calling blocked by default
$cfg['IntlBlockList'] a supplemental list of prefixes which are considered 'international' e.g. NANP list, can be a web resource
$cfg['IntlExclusionPattern'] ^\+[2-9] the + style pattern which should be always considered international
$cfg['IntlFraudMultiplier'] 1 by how much we should multiply sales rates when checking for international fraud
$cfg['IntlPrefix'] 011 prefix for international calls / see also $cfgdef['IntBlockPattern']
$cfg['IntlReportActivity'] 0 whether a report e-mail should be sent out regardless of threshold settings (see $cfg['IntlAutoBlockCheckPeriod'])
$cfg['IntlReportActivityAlways'] 0 whether to send the report regardless of whether there have been any calls
$cfg['LocalDialLength'] 7 local dial string length
$cfg['LogTransactions'] 0 whether to log transaction (default is off)
$cfg['MOHDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 Music On Hold Directory
$cfg['MOHDirDefault'] /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/template-default Source of default MOH files
$cfg['MOHFormat'] .mp3 music on hold upload format
$cfg['MOHMaxfilesize'] 16 maximum upload file size in MB
$cfg['MOHNative'] 1 use native slinear on-board storage
$cfg['MOHRandom'] 1 whether to play music on hold files randomly
$cfg['MarketingURL'] Marketing URL
$cfg['MeetMeExitContext'] inconf where to exit to when a keypress is received in a conference call
$cfg['MemCachedHost'] localhost Your Memcached Server
$cfg['MemCachedPort'] 11211 Your Memcached Server
$cfg['MinCallDuration'] 30 minimum call duration required for call credits
$cfg['MobileUserAgents'] iPhone,telx,mobi,BlackBerry,Windows CE,Android,HTC_,Symbian,Palm preset mobile user agents
$cfg['NoSanitizedCLIDName'] 0 whether to disable caller ID sanitization on inbound calls
$cfg['NotifyEMail'] 1 Additional E-Mail notification interface (TRUE/FALSE)
$cfg['NotifyFromEmail'] from e-mail address on notifications only
$cfg['NotifyPhone'] 1 Additional Phone notification interface (TRUE/FALSE)
$cfg['NotifyReplyEmail'] reply to e-mail address on notifications only
$cfg['NotifySMS'] 0 SMS notification interface (TRUE/FALSE)
$cfg['OneTouchMaxMessage'] 100 limits how many message one-touch recordings can store in VM folder (should be bigger or equal than maxmessage in voicemail.conf)
$cfg['PDFInvoiceDir'] /var/spool/comms/invoices where to store PDF invoices
$cfg['PDFInvoicePageSize'] Letter Page size for PDF generation
$cfg['PWminlength'] 6 min. length of signup/end user panel password
$cfg['PanelCallingTech'] Array
$cfg['PanelHeadInclude'] include file for End-User Panel
$cfg['PanelHelpEnabled'] 0 enable this to display help links on the end-user panel
$cfg['PanelLoginInclude'] what should appear in the body part of the login page
$cfg['PanelVMCopyEnabled'] 1
$cfg['ParkingApp'] 0 support for call parking
$cfg['ParkingTimeout'] 180 how long until hangup of a parked call in seconds
$cfg['PermissionControl'] 0 whether to enable permission control table editor
$cfg['PersonalConfLimit'] 5 maximum number of personal conference room participants
$cfg['PhoneNoPattern'] X-XXX-XXX-XXXX
$cfg['PortNumber'] 1 allow number porting
$cfg['PostCreateEnterprise'] 0 Script to run after enterprise is created
$cfg['PostEditEnterprise'] 0 Script to run after enterprise is edited
$cfg['PromptRecordingTimeout'] 30000 maximum recording time for prompts in ms
$cfg['PromptsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/prompts system prompts directory
$cfg['PromptsFormat'] .gsm voice prompts upload/default format (wave files are always accepted)
$cfg['PromptsMaxfilesize'] 16 maximum upload file size in MB
$cfg['PromptsNative'] 1 use native slinear on-board storage
$cfg['ProvisioningServer'] used for device templates %%provserver%%
$cfg['QAFromEmail'] Q&A from e-mail address
$cfg['QARecordingFormat'] .wav recording format (.wav or .gsm)
$cfg['QAReplyEmail'] Q&A reply to e-mail address
$cfg['QueueDialArguments'] x queue dial arguments
$cfg['RACallsTable'] 0 a table which rates accounted calls
$cfg['RECHost'] localhost location of system recording database
$cfg['RECName'] monitor name of database
$cfg['RECPass'] comms password
$cfg['RECUser'] comms user name
$cfg['RatingDisabled'] 0 disable call rating
$cfg['SIPApplicationServer'] 0 optional server IP address to send IVR functions to
$cfg['SIPProxy'] SIP proxy to use
$cfg['SIPProxyLocal'] 0 whether to use local SIP proxy - cannot be used with SIPProxy value
$cfg['SIPProxyPort'] 5060 do not change here
$cfg['SIPTrunkCallLimit'] 25 default number of concurrent SIP trunk calls
$cfg['SIPTrunkCodecOrder'] ulaw,alaw,g729 what SIP codecs to offer as default
$cfg['SIPTrunkSendRPID'] yes whether to send RPID on SIP trunk calls
$cfg['SIPTrunkTrustRPID'] yes whether to trust RPID on SIP trunk calls
$cfg['SIPiclimit'] 2 limit incoming calls on SIP channels (call waiting)
$cfg['SIPoglimit'] 2 limit outgoing calls on SIP channels
$cfg['ServerFromEmail'] From address of e-mails
$cfg['ServiceDemo'] 0 enables 'demo' mode for /signup-ent/
$cfg['ServiceDemoPlanID'] 0 which plan ID to use (numeric ID) when running signups in demo mode (ServiceDemo=TRUE)
$cfg['ServiceHeadImage'] /images/taridium-logo-large.png The Logo for /service/ 180x58px
$cfg['ServiceIVRModeOnStarVM'] vm What to present when the caller presses * on listening to a voicemail greeting (vm,disa,full or disabled)
$cfg['SessionTimeout'] 1200 seconds until the login sessions time out
$cfg['ShortcutIcon'] /images/taridium.ico
$cfg['SignupEntEmailFooter'] Your Suppport Team at Taridium US: +1 800 801 0039 Canada: +1 289 288 3617 Europe: +41 44 786 70 11

$cfg['SignupEntHeadImage'] /images/taridium-logo-large.svg The Logo for /signup-ent/ 180x58px
$cfg['SignupFooterInclude'] include file for Signup Forms (m=[signup step] is passed along)
$cfg['SimulateSignup'] 1 simulate CC signup? default install is 1 (YES)
$cfg['SiteName'] taridium Site Name
$cfg['SiteURL'] Site Name
$cfg['SoftwareClient'] Array 200 x 150px
$cfg['SpoolAttempts'] 4 how many call attempts
$cfg['SpoolDuration'] 25000 how long to try on outbound/spooled calls in ms
$cfg['SpoolEscalationTimeout'] 600 how long to wait until trying next number (if applicable) should be >= than SpoolAttempts x SpoolInterval
$cfg['SpoolInterval'] 150 how long to wait between spooled calls in s
$cfg['StdDialArguments'] tr standard dial arguments
$cfg['StripCIDCountryCode'] 0 remove caller ID country code (e.g. US 10 digits for outgoing caller ID)
$cfg['StripCIDPlusInbound'] 0 whether to strip + sign on inbound caller ID's (e.g. e.164 CID)
$cfg['StripIntlPrefix'] 0 strip intl. prefix on all outbound calls
$cfg['SwitchID'] 0 only needed in multiswitch environments (e.g. sw5)
$cfg['SystemName'] pbx-management System Name (can be anything)
$cfg['SystemPromptsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds system prompts directory
$cfg['TTSAcapelaApp'] Acapela application
$cfg['TTSAcapelaLogin'] Acapela Login
$cfg['TTSAcapelaPwd'] Acapela Password
$cfg['TTSAcapelaURL'] Acapela Request URL
$cfg['TTSAcapelaVoices'] Array the Acapela voices to offer/use
$cfg['TTSCepstralGen'] /usr/local/bin/swift location of Cepstral Swift
$cfg['TTSEngine'] festival options are: swift, festival or acapela (cloud API)
$cfg['TTSFestivalGen'] /usr/bin/text2wave location of Festival text2wave
$cfg['TableOffSet'] 20 default table offset
$cfg['TemplateReplaceListIAX'] name,username,secret,callerid,accountcode,mailbox variables for template
$cfg['TemplateReplaceListSIP'] name,username,secret,callerid,nat,accountcode,mailbox variables for template
$cfg['TimeFormat'] H:i:s standard time format (deprecated, use DefaultTimeFormat)
$cfg['TransactionLogMaxAge'] 1209600 whether to automatically delete the transaction log entries beyond a certain age in seconds
$cfg['TrunkDialArguments'] tTWX standard dial arguments
$cfg['UNminlength'] 6 min. length of signup username
$cfg['UpNextMax'] 10 Maximum times the up next (upon timeout) function can be called to prevent loops
$cfg['UploadDir'] /var/www/upload where uploaded files go
$cfg['UseConfBridge'] 0 Whether to use the alternative conferencing application (overriden by $cfg['ExternalConfServer'])
$cfg['VMAccessSkipPW'] 0 when this is enabled auto-login will not only skip the box no. but also PIN.
$cfg['VMBroadcastNative'] 0 use asterisk to record and distribute voicemail broadcasts
$cfg['VMClickatellAPIID'] Clickatell API ID, see $cfgdef['NotifySMS']
$cfg['VMClickatellPassword'] Clickatell password, see $cfgdef['NotifySMS']
$cfg['VMClickatellUser'] Clickatell user, see $cfgdef['NotifySMS']
$cfg['VMContext'] customers VM default context
$cfg['VMCustomBody'] Dear ${VM_NAME}:

just wanted to let you know you were just left a ${VM_DUR} long message (number ${VM_MSGNUM}) in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CIDNUM} - ${VM_CIDNAME}, on ${VM_DATE}, so you might want to check it when you get a chance.


--comms, hosted business telephone systems by Taridium

custom voicemail body
$cfg['VMCustomEMail'] 0 enables/disables custom e-mail settings in resellers etc.
$cfg['VMCustomFromEmail'] 0 A custom value for the from address when sending e-mails (this will be overwritten when a reseller is set. Format: "Voicemail"
$cfg['VMCustomSubject'] [comms] New voicemail in mailbox ${VM_MAILBOX} from ${VM_CALLERID} custom voicemail subject
$cfg['VMDefaultPath'] /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail VM default path
$cfg['VMFormat'] .wav voicemail storage format, this must match one of the formats in voicemail.conf
$cfg['VMFullWarning'] 1 whether to notify mailbox users via e-mail when the mailbox is full
$cfg['VMMaxEnterpriseMessages'] 200 maximum value for enterprise voicemail settings
$cfg['VMNexiwavePassword'] Nexiwave account password
$cfg['VMNexiwaveUser'] Nexiwave account user
$cfg['VMPINLengthMin'] 4 minimum length for voicemail PINs (limited to 8 digits)
$cfg['VMSMSProvider'] clickatell which provider to use: clickatell or twilio
$cfg['VMSpeech2Text'] 0 enables/disables voicemail speech to text engines (requires VMCustomEMail = TRUE)
$cfg['VMTwilioAccountSID'] Twililo Account SID
$cfg['VMTwilioAuthToken'] Twilio Auth Token
$cfg['VMTwilioFromDID'] Twilio SMS from DID
$cfg['ValidateCC'] 0 validate credit cards
$cfg['WebRTC_Template'] template to use for WebRTC client
$cfg['WebRTC_enable_early_ims'] false
$cfg['WebRTC_enable_media_stream_cache'] true
$cfg['WebRTC_enable_rtcweb_breaker'] false
$cfg['WebRTC_ice_servers'] [{ url: 'stun:null'}]
$cfg['accountNotActivePrompt'] suspended what to play back if the account has been suspended prompts/comms directory
$cfg['accountNotFoundPrompt'] suspended what to play back if the account has not been found prompts/comms directory
$cfg['commsPromptsDir'] /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/comms application prompts directory
$cfg['incomingContext'] incoming incoming context
$cfg['incomingDIDPrefix'] prefix to add to incoming numbers for matching. System expects full e614 no.s
$cfg['insideContext'] inside local context
$cfg['keepChannelPasssword'] 0 whether to keep the password on channel updates or renew
$cfg['lookupLocally'] 1 lookup outgoing DID's locally
$cfg['outgoingContext'] outgoing outgoing context
$cfg['outgoingContextFax'] 0 alternate outgoing context for faxes (see mail2fax)
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