Users Devices
From Taridium
In ipbx devices control how phones are provisioned. Phones can be connected to ipbx with or without a device definition. Devices need to have a MAC address associated and are usually created automatically when creating a new user. Devices are always based on a Channel Template which instructs ipbx how to create any provisioning files.
Some devices will feature centralized boot control and other management features. By selecting the symbol you can change the MAC address of the device transparently. This will automatically update the configuration file for the edited device.
The following device brands are supported:
- Aastra
- support for XML push
- support for boot
- Polycom
- support for boot
- Cisco
- support for boot
- Linksys
- support for boot
- Grandstream (limited)
- Generic Device Support
Device Templates are automatically created by adding a SIP/IAX Channel Template.